Dental studies and testimonials

Dental studies and AtlasPROfilax®

Effect of AtlasPROfilax® Therapy on symptoms related to temporomandibular dysfunction, bruxism and the relationship of the dental midlines

Author/a: Dr. Victoria Eugenia Gutiérrez Navas, D.D.S Orto Spec.

Location: Bucaramanga, Santander (Colombia)

Study conducted: 2012-2013

Keywords: atlasprofilax, therapy, ATM, disorder, temporomandibular

Abstract: The aim of this study was to describe the effect of AtlasPROfilax® therapy on symptoms related to Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD), bruxism and on mandibular deviations during the opening and closing trajectory in a cohort of patients. Methodology: A descriptive observational follow-up study was carried out on 151 patients who attended the control 30 or 40 days after the therapy; in addition, a sub-sample of 71 patients was retaken and photographic analysis was carried out. Sociodemographic and clinical variables reported by the patient (at articular level pain, noise, jumping, blocking, limitation in opening and bruxism) and clinical variables taken from the photographic analysis (deviation from the midline in occlusion, opening and their difference) were taken. AtlasPROfilax® therapy reduced TMD-related symptoms and also reduced midline deviation in occlusion and aperture, but a Controlled Clinical Trial (CCT) with three and six months follow-up is required for further evaluation of the effectiveness of this therapeutic alternative.

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Testimonials from dentists treated with AtlasPROfilax®

Doctora en Odontología relata su experiencia con la terapia

"¡El dolor de cabeza se quitó del todo!"

Mejoría en cervicobraquialgia

Ortopedista Maxilar y Odontóloga narra su experiencia con AtlasPROfilax

Desaparición dolor espalda y cabeza

Testimonio de odontóloga tratada con AtlasPROfilax


Testimonios de pacientes con disfunción de la ATM tratados con AtlasPROfilax®

Alivio de 25 años con Fibromialgia

"¡Mi vida cambió! ¡Volví a nacer!"

Bruxismo, dolor ATM, cervical, migrañas y vértigo

Odontóloga nos cuenta su experiencia con AtlasPROfilax. "¡En este momento soy otra persona!"

Testimonios de odontólogos formados en AtlasPROfilax®

Entrevista a la Dra. Victoria Gutiérrez (CO)

La Dra. Victoria Gutiérrez habla sobre el Método AtlasPROfilax®


Entrevista al Dr. Marcelo Garza (MX)

El Dr. Marcelo Garza habla sobre el método AtlasPROfilax®

Entrevista a la Dra. Lucy Calderón Zumárraga (EC)

La Dra. Lucy Calderón Zumárraga habla sobre el Método AtlasPROfilax®